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All content by ReAnne Utemark
Throwback Thursday: Senate approves $12 fee increase
ReAnne Utemark
June 4, 2015
English professor Thomas Averill donates to Mabee
ReAnne Utemark
May 3, 2009
Senior montage
ReAnne Utemark
May 3, 2009
Jayhawk Theatre’s Snow hopes to raise ‘phoenix’ from ashes
ReAnne Utemark
May 3, 2009
CTP rocks
ReAnne Utemark
April 26, 2009
Utemark: Bicyclists have right to share road
ReAnne Utemark
April 26, 2009
Pros and Cons of Netbooks
ReAnne Utemark
April 12, 2009
Mabee to halve book budget
ReAnne Utemark
April 12, 2009
North Korea to drop bomb
ReAnne Utemark
April 7, 2009
Chartwells contract renewed for 10 years
ReAnne Utemark
March 30, 2009
CaddyStacks on par for second year in Mabee Library
ReAnne Utemark
March 29, 2009
News on Internet needs plan
ReAnne Utemark
March 29, 2009
Transformational experience needs better sales people
ReAnne Utemark
March 22, 2009
Showing up is not half the battle
ReAnne Utemark
March 8, 2009
Arson strikes LLC: $1 million estimated damages; $12,500 reward for information
ReAnne Utemark
March 5, 2009
Love-Onek: Candidates for 2009-10 WSGA president and vice president
ReAnne Utemark
March 3, 2009
Remembering progessive history of Washburn important
ReAnne Utemark
February 23, 2009
Facebook: Friend or Foe
ReAnne Utemark
February 23, 2009
New media for new public
ReAnne Utemark
February 16, 2009
Students should invest in Washburn
ReAnne Utemark
February 9, 2009
The first bailout brings socialism back
ReAnne Utemark
February 2, 2009
‘Frost’ doesn’t flake
ReAnne Utemark
January 26, 2009
Utemark: Movie, political mediocrity is boring
ReAnne Utemark
January 26, 2009
Food monopoly bad for students
ReAnne Utemark
December 8, 2008
WSGA selects new budget director
ReAnne Utemark
December 1, 2008
Sappy in time for the holidays
ReAnne Utemark
December 1, 2008
Editor enjoys sound of music
ReAnne Utemark
December 1, 2008
Internet makes short spans
ReAnne Utemark
November 17, 2008
Eagles concert rocks K.C.
ReAnne Utemark
November 17, 2008
WSGA internal battles are petty
ReAnne Utemark
November 10, 2008
‘Saw’ films similar to bad porn
ReAnne Utemark
November 10, 2008
Country singer Conner to perform at Washburn
ReAnne Utemark
November 7, 2008
Media needs to get it together
ReAnne Utemark
October 26, 2008
DebateWatch leaves lasting effect on Mabee Library
ReAnne Utemark
October 19, 2008
Politics, Politics, Politics
ReAnne Utemark
October 19, 2008
Boyda addresses military concerns
ReAnne Utemark
October 12, 2008
Spoiler alert: everybody dies
ReAnne Utemark
October 12, 2008
Web is blessing, curse
ReAnne Utemark
October 5, 2008
WU not a hard sell
ReAnne Utemark
September 28, 2008
Economy blunders not by chance
ReAnne Utemark
September 21, 2008
Lipstick jokes are getting old
ReAnne Utemark
September 14, 2008
VIDEO COVERAGE: Farley details budget cuts
ReAnne Utemark
September 7, 2008
Palin’s sarcasm not enough
ReAnne Utemark
September 7, 2008
College radio helps define music
ReAnne Utemark
September 7, 2008
WTE needs consistency
ReAnne Utemark
August 24, 2008
No-brainer advice for everyone
ReAnne Utemark
August 17, 2008
Wireless Internet available in res living
ReAnne Utemark
August 13, 2008
‘Pineapple’ takes stoner comedies to new high
ReAnne Utemark
August 13, 2008
‘Producers’ play presents hilarity
ReAnne Utemark
August 12, 2008
‘Knight,’ Ledger performance worth all the hype
ReAnne Utemark
July 30, 2008
So funny it Smarts
ReAnne Utemark
July 7, 2008
WU needs you
ReAnne Utemark
May 11, 2008
Goodwill hunting favorite pastime for poor collegians
ReAnne Utemark
May 11, 2008
Green is good, cheap
ReAnne Utemark
May 4, 2008
Washburn seeking reaccreditation
ReAnne Utemark
April 27, 2008
Gun debate important to campus
ReAnne Utemark
April 27, 2008
Sturgess, Spacey gamble with ’21’
ReAnne Utemark
April 20, 2008
A few thoughts on the course of WTE
ReAnne Utemark
April 20, 2008
Some thoughts on Facebook
ReAnne Utemark
April 13, 2008
RoadRunners ice Tornado to win South Division title
ReAnne Utemark
March 30, 2008
New CD causes Panic at the stores
ReAnne Utemark
March 30, 2008
April Fool’s Issue meant all in good fun
ReAnne Utemark
March 30, 2008
Quiet student cynics no match for hippies
ReAnne Utemark
March 23, 2008
Avoid greasy pizza via Via’s Pizzeria
ReAnne Utemark
March 23, 2008
Tasty travels: Experiencing Dubai’s delights
ReAnne Utemark
March 23, 2008
Clickers are huge turn-off
ReAnne Utemark
March 9, 2008
Voting is Right to do, should not be Left behind
ReAnne Utemark
March 3, 2008
ISS addresses candidates’ issues with campus technology
ReAnne Utemark
February 25, 2008
V-Day monologues continue message of peace in ‘MMRP’
ReAnne Utemark
February 25, 2008
Keep it cheap: Fervor for frugality
ReAnne Utemark
February 18, 2008
‘Whitest Kids U’ Know’ dish out laughs
ReAnne Utemark
February 18, 2008
Students should ask before complaint
ReAnne Utemark
February 18, 2008
Journalists should be better than
ReAnne Utemark
February 11, 2008
Mabee Library getting breath of fresh air
ReAnne Utemark
February 4, 2008
Visual Encounters with Paraguay: Discovering a culture
ReAnne Utemark
February 4, 2008
Small power cog causes big problems for WU computers
ReAnne Utemark
January 31, 2008
College newspapers: keeping journalism real
ReAnne Utemark
January 28, 2008
Energy forum looks at climate change, wind power
ReAnne Utemark
January 28, 2008
‘Enchanted’ fails to charm audiences
ReAnne Utemark
December 10, 2007
Dead week needs shot of life
ReAnne Utemark
December 10, 2007
They hate Christmas and so should you
ReAnne Utemark
December 3, 2007
Pros and cons of Black
ReAnne Utemark
November 19, 2007
Monday, Nov. 5: ‘Good Ride Cowboy’
ReAnne Utemark
November 19, 2007
Citizens deserve liberty and security, not either/or
ReAnne Utemark
November 12, 2007
Smoking ban to enter trial period
ReAnne Utemark
November 7, 2007
Rejected Colbert bid protects satire
ReAnne Utemark
November 5, 2007
Gun enthusiasts at Washburn form new club to celebrate right to bear arms
ReAnne Utemark
November 5, 2007
Beah visits campus to educate students on Sierra Leone crisis
ReAnne Utemark
November 5, 2007
Al Gore’s ‘Inconvenient Truth’ lacks truthiness
ReAnne Utemark
October 21, 2007
Bush to ‘protect’ Americans by torture
ReAnne Utemark
October 7, 2007
Beneficial College Cost bill should be watched closely
ReAnne Utemark
September 30, 2007
General Education necessary for national well-being
ReAnne Utemark
September 23, 2007
C-SPAN shows Washburn inside clip on national news coverage
ReAnne Utemark
September 23, 2007
Beatles mania is back in United States
ReAnne Utemark
September 16, 2007
Google’s Space Race encourages student space exploration
ReAnne Utemark
September 16, 2007
Hillary’s campaign must weather latest funding storm
ReAnne Utemark
September 9, 2007
Sunshine state can go where the sun don’t shine
ReAnne Utemark
August 26, 2007
Emergency crews respond to alarm during Bod Blast
ReAnne Utemark
August 19, 2007
In the Stands: Vick is sick prick
ReAnne Utemark
August 19, 2007
New Review going to stay on path of improvement
ReAnne Utemark
April 29, 2007
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