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Established 1885

The Washburn Review

Established 1885

The Washburn Review

Aja Carter

Aja Carter, Editor-in-Chief Washburn Review

Hello, my name is Aja! I am a senior mass media major with a concentration in journalism and the Editor-in-Chief of the Washburn Review. I’m originally from Virginia, but I’ve lived in a couple of other states. I really enjoy writing, music, and spending time with my family. Outside of school and reporting for Student Media, I volunteer at my church, Light of the World Christian Center.


All content by Aja Carter
The Veterans Memorial stands on the southwest corner of Morgan Hall. Washburn held a dedication ceremony to recognize veterans.

Washburn recognizes and honors veterans with a dedication ceremony

Aja Carter, Editor-in-Chief Washburn Review
November 30, 2023
Emily Bradbury, executive director of the Kansas Press Association, and Washburn faculty members, discuss free press. The group decided to hold this discussion following the raid of the Marion County Record Aug. 11.

Journalism meets history in shocking raid of Marion County Record

Aja Carter, Editor-in-Chief Washburn Review
September 20, 2023
Student checks out the books at the Round Table Bookstore during the Market Daze. The fair was held from 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. outside the Memorial Union.

Brief: Union kicks off the year with its 8th annual Market Daze

Aja Carter, Editor-in-Chief Washburn Review
August 24, 2023
The Board of Regents stand in the audience listening to JuliAnn Mazachek’s, the president of Washburn, speech. Mazachek recognized the board for their help in preparing for the new initiatives.

[Photo] Washburn announces new initiatives for a more affordable education

LeSha’ Davis, Editor-in-Chief Indigo Magazine and Managing Editor Washburn Review
May 9, 2023
Abbey Vega sings “The Lady Is a Trap” from the musical “Babes in Arms” at the beginning of the celebration. Several Ichabods also sang throughout the ceremony.

Washburn recognizes faculty and staff rock stars

Aja Carter, Editor-in-Chief Washburn Review
May 4, 2023
Employer speaks with students and introduce their organizations. This semester’s career fair held 140 organizations, including graduate schools looking to recruit Washburn students.

2023 Spring Career Fair helps students connect with employers

Aja Carter, Editor-in-Chief Washburn Review
February 23, 2023
Black Student Union recites a list of requests for Washburn administration. These requests were created by previous BSU members in 2019 and still have not been put into action.

BSU recites a list of requests for Washburn administration

Aja Carter, Editor-in-Chief Washburn Review
December 3, 2022
Holly O’Neil releases a statement apologizing for the incident. O'Neil sent this statement to the Washburn Review today and the incident is still under investigation.

Professor accused of cultural appropriation releases statement

Aja Carter, Editor-in-Chief Washburn Review
November 4, 2022
Students and the Washburn Fimmakers Association listen as Allan Holzman, editor and director, talks about his film. Tuesday Oct. 25., Holzman showcased his new film "C-C-Cut" during the WFA meeting.

Allan Holzman showcases new film, ‘C-C-C-ut.’

Aja Carter, Editor-in-Chief Washburn Review
November 2, 2022
Viewers should definitely say yep to 'Nope'

Viewers should definitely say yep to ‘Nope’

Aja Carter, Editor-in-Chief Washburn Review
October 29, 2022
Bearman asks Strossen about the importance of free speech. Strossen discussed how free speech is important to every college student.

Nadine Strossen discusses free speech at iREAD lecture

Aja Carter, Editor-in-Chief Washburn Review
October 19, 2022
Zeta Tau Alpha presents philanthropy week to raise awareness and educate students about breast cancer. Zeta raised money thoughout the week and donated it various foundations in support of breast cancer awareness.

Zeta Tau Alpha wraps up its philanthropy week

Aja Carter, Editor-in-Chief Washburn Review
October 12, 2022
Susan and Jerry Farley celebrate at recent farewell send off. Former president Jerry Farley took his last walk from the president’s office on Sept. 30.

Washburn says farewell to former president

Aja Carter, Editor-in-Chief Washburn Review
October 3, 2022
Students of all backgrounds were invited to attend the HALO event. HALO encouraged the sharing of Hispanic culture across people, regardless of their origin.

HALO kicks off Latinx/Hispanic Heritage Month with a celebration

Aja Carter, Editor-in-Chief Washburn Review
September 22, 2022
Students dance and have a good time at the Silent Headphone Disco. The headphone disco took place on Aug. 31.

Students jam in silence

Aja Carter, Editor-in-Chief Washburn Review
September 7, 2022
Students meet sorority and fraternity representatives to learn more about Greek life. Meet the Greeks was held on Friday Aug. 26.

MGC showcases multicultural Greek life to students

Aja Carter, Editor-in-Chief Washburn Review
September 1, 2022
Student Chloe Chaffin showcases the menstrual products that can now be found in women's restrooms on campus. This project took several months to complete.

URGE supplies free menstrual products in women’s restrooms

Aja Carter, Editor-in-Chief Washburn Review
August 29, 2022
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