Teresa Clounch, associate vice president for Student Life and dean of students, greets members of Washburn Student Government Association. The members of WSGA responded back to Clounch with a “good evening” before they moved to further business.
WSGA President Antonio Martinez swears in new Senators, JD Pulgarin-Castillo, freshman, and Deondre Morris, sophomore. After being sworn in, the new senators joined their fellow WSGA members.
Fred Willer, social worker at Highland Park High School, speaks about the Topeka Public Schools Community Cupboard that WSGA has helped. He came to the meeting to talk about the non-profit and to thank WSGA for their time and support.
Senators listen to Willer as he speaks. The members of WSGA applauded him when his talk was over.
Senator Tiana Smith leans over to ask Willer what his contact information is as the other senators ready their pens. Willer responded enthusiastically and encouraged anyone to reach out to him with questions about the program.
Jayden Johnson, president of the kinesiology club, requests funding from WSGA for hotel rooms for a conference in Kansas City. Her request was approved by WSGA.
David Albertson, senior history major, stands at the podium, waiting for the decision on his requested funding for the Study Abroad Columbia Trip 2024. His request for additional funding was approved by WSGA.
Sarah Berke, a Washburn graduate student, tells WSGA about the clinics hosted by Washburn students earning their master’s in clinical psychology. Berke told WSGA how the clinics do anxiety and depression therapy as well as help students gain accommodations with learning disability assessments.
Senator Rene Cabrera discusses his bill to urge President JuliAnn Mazachek, the Washburn Board of Regents and any other necessary stakeholders to increase the student minimum wage. WSGA passed this bill with just a few opposed to the idea.
Senator Colton Cattoor raises his hand to nominate himself to be a member of WSGA’s nomination committee. A few moments later, Chairperson Notetaker Valeria Ortega-Borunda also nominated Cattoor for the position.
Senators laugh as they nominate each other for WSGA’s Gustavson Above and Beyond Award Committee. This award committee is made up of either cabinet members or senators who help with the selection process of who would receive an award.
Senators Pulgarin-Castillo and Morris pose for a picture at the end of their first official WSGA meeting. The senators have begun their work and are ready to serve Washburn.
Edited by Jayme Thompson and Jeremy Ford