Washburn’s 2023 tailgate kicks off on a cold, early October morning. The tailgates started at 10 a.m. on the Union lawn.
President JuliAnn Mazachek gives an introductory speech to start off the festivities. She also gave thanks to everyone who supported the week full of homecoming activities.
Alpha Delta sets hay bales and greek letters out for their tailgate. Alpha Delta was just one of many fraternities and sororities to have a tailgate.
Kappa Sigma and Alpha Phi team up to create a saloon-styled tent. The saloon had food, drinks and games.
Sigma Phi Epsilon grill burgers and hotdogs at their tailgate. The tent was placed at the north entrance of Lee Arena.
Zeta Tau Alpha displays both the boots and the bling with their barbie themed tent. The tent featured a pink photo frame for people to take pictures in.
Kevin Eman, senior business marketing major, makes an appearance as “DJ Kev.” Eman played music for a number of dance groups performing as well as his own tunes.
Washburn Cheer puts on a small show of their talents. The team made sure to stay warm during both the tailgate and the football game.
Washburn Dancing Blues perform a short routine for the crowd outside of the Memorial Union. The team also performed during breaks of the football game.
The Unity High Steppers perform an energetic show for the onlookers. The team featured girls of varying ages, from high school all the way down to elementary.
The Blue Diamonds Majorette Team show their skills by dancing to a range of country and hip-hop songs. The team has performed at some other Washburn events, such as basketball games.
Phi Delta Theta puts their bell on display in the heart of the tailgate section. The fraternity had food and drink as well as games to play in their area.
Tierney Kester, admissions counselor, and Joseph Tinsley, director of admissions, greet students at their Admissions tent. They had pens, cups and many other Washburn goodies to hand out.
Edited by Aja Carter and LeSha’ Davis