Brief: Race against breast cancer campaign to raise awareness

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Natalie Engler

The Race Against Breast Cancer campaign celebrates 25 years of providing services and promoting healthy breast practices to northeast Kansas families by holding several events Sept. 16 and 17 at Topeka West high school.

RABC is a non-profit organization based out of northeast Kansas. The organization depends on the generosity of corporate sponsors and annual fundraiser participants for the funds to support and fund their no-cost mammography program that benefits 600 to 800 northeast Kansans yearly. 

Runners and walkers are encouraged to wear white to ensure that they can participate in the Pink Out color event on Sept. 16. Day one of their two day silent auction and RABC merchandise will be available for purchase.

The 5K competitive run, 5K non-competitive walk and day two of their silent auction will occur on Sept. 17. Complimentary food and beverages will be provided on both days. 

For more information, visit