Washburn baseball wins four games against Concordia St. Paul in the first home series

  • Cade Parry, freshman in business, and Caden Bressler, sophomore in physical education, pose together before the final game. They were excited to start the last game of the series.

  • Charlie Kiefer, junior in finance, is the starting pitcher of the game. Kiefer struck out the first batter from Concordia.

  • Easton Bruce, sophomore in business management, hits the first homerun of the game for Washburn. Bruce’s home run gave Washburn the first 2 points of the game.

  • Cale Savage, sophomore in kinesiology, gets a home run in the bottom of the fourth inning to center field and scores two points. They ended up with a score of seven Washburn and six Concordia University.

  • Ike Book, sophomore in education, scores a homerun in the bottom of the fourth inning. This was another home run for Washburn after the two pointer home run by Savage.

  • Book comes in for high fives after his home run getting one point. He celebrated with his team.

  • Otto Jones celebrates getting the final out of the top of the fifth inning. Jones yelled in excitement because Concordia didn’t earn any points while he was catching.

  • Andrew Schimidtlein, junior in finance, talks with coach Harley Douglas after advancing to third base. Schimidtlein ended up getting another point for Washburn baseball in the bottom of the seventh.

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