Mass media students receive scholarships, awards

Max Morrow

Adjunct mass media professor Tim Hrenchir and his wife, Catheryn, have some fun with the 2022 Keynote Speaker Event theme.

Leading up to the annual Keynote Speaker Event, faculty and staff in the Department of Mass Media received an email asking them to choose a character from the classic board game Clue to fit with the department’s Murder Mystery theme.

“I have to admit that I was not overly excited about this project. I hate being on camera for any reason and dressing up as a character is not my idea of a good time,” said Regina Cassell, senior lecturer. “But this event is about supporting and recognizing our students, and I am already ready to do that. As a department, we invest deeply into the lives of our students. We love coming out for this event to recognize them and all of their hard work. And we had a lot of fun making our video, too.”

The selection of outstanding students is a longstanding mass media tradition. Faculty look for a strong academic record, service to the department and a commitment to the field of mass media when selecting students.

  • Outstanding student Leah Jamison with parents Terry and Marion Jamison.

  • Glorianna Noland, outstanding student in creative marketing; Christina Noland, outstanding student in creative marketing.

  • Kyle Manthe, mass media outstanding student in contemporary journalism.

  • Assistant Professor Kristen Grimmer praises senior Samantha Peters, who was named Outstanding Mass Media Student in Public Relations.

  • Mariah Rollwagen was unable to attend the Keynote Speaker Event, but she was named the Outstanding Mass Media Student in Film and Video.

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In creative advertising, sisters Christina and Glorianna Noland both were selected, Kyle Manthe was picked for contemporary journalism, Mariah Rollwagen was chosen for film and video, and Samantha Peters was selected for public relations. Leah Jamison was selected both for her outstanding work in Student Media and her service to the mass media department.

“I am ecstatic that I was chosen for the award,” said Peters. “I am so grateful to Professor Grimmer for seeing my hard work and pushing me to be my best.”

All selected students were seniors. Peters, expecting to graduate in December, plans to attend graduate school before pursuing employment within the field of public relations. Rollwagen, a spring graduate, has accepted an internship with Garmin.

The department also awarded 18 students with scholarships. Scholarships went to the following students: Emily Burd, Magdalena Cabrera, Thomas Craft, Emma Froese, Zackery Hall, Kaitlyn Hampton, Jaden Leffler, Malachi Lewis Jr., Shalynn Long, Lauryn Massey, Halle Meister, Adin Replogle, Logan Schmidt, Westen Smith, Perla Soto, Alyssa Storm, Dalton White and Preston Wilson.

  • Dalton White was awarded the Kenneth C. and Edith M. Bronson scholarship during the Keynote Speaker Event April 7, 2022.

  • Malachi Lewis, recipient of the Edwards Family Scholarship.

  • Preston Wilson, Perla Soto, and Adin Replogle posing with their scholarship awards at the 2022 Keynote Speaker Event.

  • Emma Froese, recipient of the Shelley E. White Scholarship.

  • Thomas Craft, recipient of the Kenneth C. & Edith M. Bronson Scholarship.

  • Weston Smith was awarded the Daniel C. Brooks Mass Media Scholarship on April 7, 2022.

  • Logan Schmidt, recipient of the Dick Snider Scholarship.

  • Maggie Cabrera received the DoGood Mass Media Scholarship on April 7, 2022.

  • Lauryn Massey received the Arthur Capper Scholarship April 7, 2022.

  • Katie Hampton, recipient of the Mass Media Scholarship April 7, 2022.

  • Alyssa Storm received the Zulu Bennington Greene Scholarship April 7, 2022.

  • Zackery Hall received the Thad M. Sandstorm Memorial Scholarship April 7, 2022.

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Lauryn Massey was this year’s winner of the Arthur Capper Mass Media Scholarship, making her the first winner since the scholarship was created in 2021.

“I am so grateful to have received this scholarship for my senior year,” said Massey. “I’ve been awarded other mass media scholarships during my time here at Washburn, and they have all helped me and my family out so much. It’s nice to know that my hard work within this department pays off.” 

Washburn’s Department of Mass Media offers multiple scholarships for all of its majors. For more information on scholarships for the next academic year, visit Washburn’s Mass Media website