Bod Brief: Build relationships at the Bowtie Fair


Courtesy of Student Involvement & Development

The Spring Bowtie fair is Thursday, Feb.10, 2021. Bowtie was started to facilitate student organizations’ public presence.

If you want to join a group on campus, the Bowtie Fairs are the most convenient place to start. There will be one Thursday, Feb. 10, 2022 in the Washburn A/B Room, Memorial Union.

Perhaps you don’t know of each Ichabod circle that’s out there yet, and that is exactly why you should attend to find out!

Groups range from sports, career-specific, politics, arts, religion, study abroad, Student Media, etc. The relationships that are built with our peers are unassessable, but not inaccessible.

This Bowtie Fair will be from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. For complete information visit: There one can also learn how to start an official student organization.

Edited by: Ellie Walker