On Feb. 24, 2024, Aubree Dewey, senior guard, runs the ball down the court. She had gained possession of the ball from the Central Missouri Mules, after they turned over a pass.
Liz Boyd, freshman forward, shoots and scores a free throw due to the Mules fouling. The Ichabods were trailing the Mules by a few points during the third quarter of the game.
Mackenzie Gamble, senior guard, throws the ball to a teammate. The Mules left an opening in their defense.
Dewey shoots and scores points for the Ichabods. The score of the game was close with the Ichabods and Mules trailing each other.
Aniah Wayne, sophomore guard, reaches to steal the ball. The Mules tried rushing the Ichabods’ basket to score and lost control of the ball.
The Ichabods huddle together during a timeout near the end of the third quarter. With them being only a few points behind, they strategized a game plan.
Amaya Davison, sophomore guard, and Yiibari Nwidadah, sophomore center, block the Mules from attempting to take a shot. They guarded the basket and prevented the Mules from scoring a point.
Gamble runs ahead of the Mules to block them from scoring a basket. A Central Missouri player had just passed the ball to her teammate.
Nwidadah has the ball under the basket during the third quarter. She was able to shoot and score points for the Ichabods.
Madelyn Amekporfor, freshman forward, jumps up and throws the ball past the opposing team trying to block her leading to a successful pass. The Ichabods ultimately lost the game ending in 69-56 against the Mules.
Edited by Morgan Albrecht and Jayme Thompson