Best ways students can relieve stress

The older people get, the more responsibilities they take on and the higher their stress levels grow. First, the rigors of high school put everyone through the wringer. Then they move on to college and find out that high school wasn’t actually that bad. The next stage of life is diving into the real world where, many people are not only trying to manage their own life, but are also trying to manage a family. For most, this is quite difficult, and stress is impossible to avoid. states that “70% of adults in the US say they feel stress or anxiety daily.” Stress is inevitable, but there are ways to cope with it.

Exercising may be the most important way to deal with stress. It may seem unusual, but putting the body through physical stress can help relieve mental stress. Regular exercise can provide this relief to the largest extent. Studies show that people who don’t exercise are more likely to experience anxiety than those who exercise regularly. Exercising can help improve sleep quality, which can be quite poor when stressed or feeling anxious. Finding an exercise routine, or some other activity that is enjoyable, like dancing or rock climbing, and sticking to a little bit of a schedule can be effective for those who don’t want to commit to a rigorous exercise routine.

Candles can be soothing to many people, and they can relieve stress. Aromatherapy is a practice where  scents are used to help treat a person’s mood. Several studies have proved that aromatherapy can improve sleep and can decrease anxiety. Lavender, rose, frankincense, orange, and geranium are said to be scents that are especially soothing.

When people begin to feel stressed, they don’t sleep well, which makes them tired when they start their day. So, they turn to caffeine-based drinks such as coffee, tea and energy drinks. Many studies have shown that, in moderation, coffee can be healthy. In general, five cups or fewer is a moderate amount. If you start to notice that you are jittery or anxious as a result of caffeine, you may consider cutting back.

Another way to handle stress is to keep a journal and write things down. There are a couple different approaches to this method. One way is to write down factors causing stress as a way to release some frustration. Another method is to write down things that make life better. By focusing on the positives in life, it may relieve some stress and anxiety.

If it’s the morning of a big test, chewing gum is a super quick and easy stress reliever. One study showed that gum chewers had a greater sense of wellbeing and lower stress levels. Many other studies have shown that chewing gum promotes blood flow to the brain.

Having an active social life can be one of the best ways to keep stress levels down. Family is always there to help in stressful times. Being a part of a network of friends provides a sense of belonging and self-worth. “Tend and befriend” is an effect resulting in the release of oxytocin, which is a natural stress reliever. For women in particular, spending time with friends and children produces this effect. In general, people with fewer social interactions are more likely to suffer from depression and anxiety.

Watching a comedy show or something is another way to reduce stress. It’s incredibly hard to feel anxious while laughing. Laughing can relieve tension in the body by relaxing the muscles.

Sometimes stress factors are out of one’s control, but there are plenty of times when they are controllable. It comes down to one simple concept: it’s important to take control over the parts of your life that you can control to avoid unnecessary stress. Avoid taking on more responsibility than necessary. Be selective about taking on tasks and don’t overdo it. Overworking is probably the thing that causes people the most stress. Just learn to say “no” sometimes.

Taking on a large workload and then procrastinating leads to an extremely stressful life. Pushing back homework seems like a great idea until it starts to all pile up. You are then stuck scrambling trying to get everything done. Work on the most important things first and set aside chunks of uninterrupted time to accomplish everything on your list.

Listening to music has a very relaxing effect on the body. Listening to slow-placed instrumental music lowers your blood pressure, heart rate and stress hormones. Nature sounds have a relaxing effect on the body, which is why they are typically incorporated into meditation music. Simply listening to music that you enjoy is also effective.

It may seem like stress is impossible to avoid. In some ways that may be true, but taking some steps to combat your stress will certainly lead to a much happier lifestyle.