Bod Brief: SilverSunday feeds all who need

Courtesy of Silverbackks

Lead. Help. Build. Protect: Topeka volunteers provide hot meals for those in need every Sunday

The Silverbackks, a volunteer organization made to help people in need of food and water, is running a weekly event that they call SilverSunday.
This organization has been providing cold water and hot coffee since 2011. They started offering lunches a year later before finally transitioning to serving hot meals in 2014.
SilverSunday is open for anyone in need of a meal or a drink, and the Silverbackks are open for volunteers on their sign-up page.
The next SilverSunday will take place from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. on Aug. 15 at 1020 NE Forest Ave. in Topeka.
SilverSunday will occur every Sunday, each week, until Halloween of 2027.