Bods on the Block: “What are your plans for the summer?”

  • Bods on the block: With summer in full swing, we asked fellow Ichabods about their plans for the season.

  • Grace Lindman Senior Sculpture and Ceramics major “Just going to school and working mostly, making art I guess.”

  • Katherine Cook Junior Secondary Education Math “This summer I’m going to be hanging out with friends, working a lot, helping out with NSOs and getting tads almost every night.”

  • Alex Bender Junior Criminal Justice, Emphasis in Law Enforcement Major “Not especially, since I don’t live in Topeka. I’m working with my dad throughout the week. Weekends I’m at our fraternity house doing yard work and any events that we have going on. Then I’m going to California towards the July.”

  • Travis Ware Junior Legal Studies “Not really, other than helping with recruitment for the fraternity and any events that we have going on.”

  • Keetan Munsll Junior Biochemistry with Premed Emphasis “I am actually on Washburn Track and Field and Cross-country this summer and am currently conducting research in Stoffer.”

  • Kathy Davidson Junior Physics and Chemistry Major “I’m currently doing research with Dr. Rossi. I’ll spend a lot of time here (Stoffer) and continue that into the semester.”

  • Aaron Furman Graduate Computer Science Major “I don’t have any big plans, just little things. Mostly focused on reconnecting with old friends.”

  • Rowan Poovey Junior Elementary Education Major “Not really, going to the lake probably with friends.”

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