Washburn Review editorial staff
February 22, 2010
Nicole Stejskal
Nicole Stejskal is a junior Mass Media major from Bison,Kansas. You can contact her at nicole.stejskal@washburn.edu.
Kevin Mitchell
Online Editor-in-Chief
Kevin Mitchell is a senior Mass Media major who was born and raised in Topeka, Kansas. In his free time, he loves spending time with his daughter, playing X-Box 360 and reading copious amounts of news. He can be contacted at kevin.mitchell@washburn.edu.
Ben Fitch
Managing Editor
Ben Fitch is a senior Mass Media major. He plans to graduate some time before 2020. Ben likes to travel and is only complete while doing so. He can be reached at benjamin.fitch@washburn.edu.
Mikki Burcher
News Editor
Mikki Burcher is a senior mass media and English major who will graduate in December of 2010. She was raised in Kinsely, Kansas. She enjoys reading, writing, music, and anything artistic. She loves living in Topeka but misses her parents, Alan and Becky, and her brother Vincent terribly. She can be reached at mikale.burcher@washburn.edu or mikki.burcher@gmail.com.
Josh Rouse
Sports Editor/Assistant Web site editor
Josh Rouse is a junior mass media major, with dual emphases in writing
and public relations. He has spent his entire life in Topeka, where he
enjoys hunting, fishing, poker and playing X-Box 360. He can be
contacted at joshua.rouse@washburn.edu.
Regina Budden
A&E Editor
Regina Budden is a junior mass media major. She spends most of her time between school, work and the occasional weekend with family and friends. She has no free time, but if she did she would enjoy swimming, biking, reading, writing and playing piano. Contact Regina at regina.budden@washburn.edu.
Matt Wilper
Photo Editor
Matt Wilper is a junior Sociology major. He can be contacted at matthew.wilper@washburn.edu.
Josh King
Copy Editor
Josh King is a senior Mass Media and Spanish major who will graduate in May. In addition to his work with the Review, Josh interns with the Topeka and Shawnee County Public Library and works part time for the Secretary of State’s office where he fixes computers and does his best to make BlackBerry phones not suck. He also writes occasional technology articles for the review where he tries to hide his ever-present Apple bias. Contact him at joshua.king@washburn.edu.
Senior Writer
Lauren Eckert
Michelle Boltz
Robert Burkett
Kate Fechter
Bryce Grammer
Richard Kelly
Ashley Nadeau
David Wiens
Tesa DeForest
Mallory Shehi
Online Staff
Jordan Shefte
Brian Dulle
Kate Hampson
Kasim Hardaway
Graphic Designers
K.J. Thies
Cameron Wrightsman
Advertising manager
Ashley Shepard
Advertising staff
Anna Henry
Lauren Journot
Business manager
Chuck Stephens
Regina Cassell