WSGA discuss bills and funding requests from campus organizations

  • Mae Atakpa, diversity, equity and inclusion committee vice-chairperson, reports on the committee meeting. On Feb. 19, WSGA held an all-senate meeting to discuss funding requests and bills.

  • Blake Masters, president of the Washburn Piano and Organ Society, requests a Student Development Grant from WSGA to attend the Music Teachers National Association Conference that will be held in Reno, Nevada. WSGA encouraged those in attendance to spread the word about the Student Development Grants they offer as they are often underutilized.

  • Lauren Frank, representative for Women in STEM, Spanish Club, Peer Educator Club and Physics and Engineering Club, speaks about the clubs’ funding requests. The majority of the meeting was dedicated to discussing funding requests from different organizations.

  • Catherine Tew, president of Washburn’s Dungeon and Dragons Club, asks for funding for the club to attend a gaming convention in Indianapolis, Indiana. They have written two games which they will be presenting at the convention.

  • Jayce Wessel, chief of staff, talks about the shooting that occurred Feb. 13 at Michigan State University. WSGA passed a resolution to recognize the effects of the tragedy and to encourage students to seek mental health care.

  • Tevin Asamoah, parliamentarian, corrects senate resolution’s wording. The Michigan State resolution and the Black History Month resolution contained incorrect wording that needed to be corrected to be passed.

  • Rhen Calhoon, WSGA senator, talks about Alpha Phi’s upcoming philanthropy week. They will be serving mac and cheese at their “Mac and Phi” event Feb 22 at the Alpha Phi house.

  • Ariel Smith, WSGA senator, discusses a summer job opening. Shawnee County Parks and Recreation will have an opening for a lifeguard position this coming summer.

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