Evergy schedules workshop for capital spending increase

A workshop between Evergy and the Kansas Corporation Commission has been scheduled for 9:30 a.m. Dec. 13, 2022.

KCC ordered the workshop in September to hear why a capital spending projection filed by Evergy in February totals $1.2 billion more than the projection Evergy previously provided in a separate docket that pertained to a different span of years.

When the KCC staff filed their response in July to Evergy’s Capital Investment Plan, they affirmed that Evergy’s CIP in question does meet the requirements of the CIP framework approved by KCC. They also affirmed that Evergy’s plan is not excessive when compared to peers. Staff recommends the CIP be approved.

However, the Commissioners are requiring Evergy to provide comprehensive modeling of retail rate changes to customers’ bills that will result from Evergy’s continued increase in capital spending by Dec. 2.

At the workshop, Evergy will explain the necessity and impact of the proposed capital spending, followed by questions and comments from KCC.

Staff has recommended since July that Evergy consider buying electricity from a “power purchase agreement” arrangement, rather than investing in building additional renewable facilities on its own.

In August, Evergy broke ground on the first of three solar arrays that they will build and operate for FreeState Electric Cooperative through a PPA, in which Evergy will sell electricity to FreeState.

Also in August, Evergy announced the purchase of a four-year-old wind farm in western Oklahoma for Missouri customers.

The wind farm purchase remains subject to closing conditions, including regulatory approvals, and the location of the third array for FreeState is still undetermined.

Evergy does have beneficial programs in the works for Kansas customers that will make energy efficiency upgrades more affordable. The next update on these programs is expected to be this month.

The Dec. 13 workshop for Evergy’s CIP will be available to watch on KCC’s YouTube channel.