A Societal Standout (Positive impact edition): Standing in solidarity

While this space is usually used as a soapbox for barely-filtered editorial snark about those whose actions have had a negative impact on their fellow human beings, this week I’d like to turn things around and talk about something positive for a change.

Over the last several weeks, our campus experienced a great deal of tension and turmoil stemming from some very unfortunate events. While crisis is commonplace in any community, how the members of that community react speaks volumes about their collective character. Some lash out in anger, others turn the other cheek and wait for the storm to subside.

Washburn students did neither. Instead, the men and women of this campus cast aside any differences they might have had and came together in a most impressive display of solidarity.

For this, I salute you all.

To be honest, I never gave much credence to the #wearewu hashtags or Ichabod Pride mantras that have been plastered across campus. But after speaking to students, attending vigils, rallies and witnessing friends and strangers alike open their hearts and bank accounts to support their fellow students, I can finally admit to being proud as hell to be an Ichabod.

Before running out of what little space I have, I will leave you all with this: Thank you.

Thank you all for standing out in a way that so many more people on this planet should. And one more thing…