Pin article corrected

Hallee Haar

Hey everyone! I am going to start doing a “Pin of the week” for all the do it yourself people out there! I will do one craft a week, show you the craft, and tell you about my experiences with it. This will be my personal project, feel free to try any of these crafts on your own.

So for my first project, I tried to pick something easy. It is supposed to create a bowl out of sparkles. Theoretically, it is supposed to stay together and work as an actual bowl.

Alright, so let me talk about this pin. It looks like a lot of fun and looks super easy. But there is a couple of things that this pin does not tell you.

First of all the pin fails to mention that this is one of the messiest activities possible. I spent hours vacuuming afterwards and still did not have all of he confetti completely cleaned up.

Second, there is the problem of popping the balloon. I popped one without waiting 24 hours and it sort of collapsed into itself. The one that I waited over 24 hours to pop had a big crack in it, because the balloon popped too fast.

There are a lot of positives from this project though. It is a lot of fun. I really enjoyed the whole process around it. Until I popped the balloon it looked really cool.

I think this is a great project for people who want to express their creative side. If you have the time it would be a good start to a DIY spree.