Senior discusses maturity

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Josh Setchel

In several short weeks, the spring semester will come to an end and Washburn University will say goodbye to another class of seniors.

It is always bittersweet for those who are a part of the class and it is an excellent opportunity both for reflection and looking ahead. All of the soon-to-be graduates are definitely feeling that, including Lawrence “Ike” Zimmerman, a 31-year-old English major.

“I started school at Washburn after I graduated high school in 2001,” Zimmerman said. “I initially chose Washburn because attending school here allowed me to live at home with my parents, pay for school out of my own pocket and limit my debt. Originally, I wanted to attend Kansas State like my dad, but I didn’t have the money to be able to move to Manhattan. I have honestly never regretted that choice because of the friends I’ve made and the experiences I have had here.”

Not everyone ends up at their first choice school and making the most of the one they ultimately choose. More important is that students use the time wisely, Zimmerman expressed.

“As a freshman and even three years after that, I was a terrible student,” Zimmerman said. “At the time, I found the freedom afforded to us as college students a bit overwhelming and as a result I partied too much at night and skipped too many classes during the day. Needless to say, it is hard to pass very many classes with that mentality, so I decided to quit school for a while and work full time before returning three years ago on a part time basis to finish my degree. Looking back on it, I should have taken a break between high school and college. I needed time to mature and figure out what I really wanted to do with my life. The sad thing is that I still haven’t completely figured that part out. However, I don’t think that is necessarily a bad thing. People are constantly growing, and as such, their perspective on the world and the goals for their life are ever-changing. I will say that as an English major with an emphasis in writing, I’m planning on writing as much as I can after I graduate.”