TSCPL to offer curbside service, Zoom skill shop

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Wesley Tabor


The Topeka & Shawnee County Public Library, TSCPL, is getting books back in the hands of readers.

TSCPL recently announced that it will be offering a new curbside service starting Monday, May 26 – allowing individuals to place holds on books, CDs and DVDs.

You can place holds by going online, downloading the app, or calling TSCPL at (785) 580-4400.

You will receive a notification when your items are ready for pickup. TSCPL asks visitors to park in reserved curbside parking spots and call (785) 580-4414. Your order will be brought to you.

Beyond pickups, TSCPL can aid in practicing your Zoom skills.

Need assistance on figuring out how to share your screen, set a background, or practice proper online video etiquette? TSCPL can help.

Email [email protected] or give Shari a call at (785) 580-4607.

You can schedule a 30-minute virtual appointment Monday-Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Curious as to when you will be able to enter the library again? TSCPL has made its phased reopening plan available online.

Writer bio: Wesley Tabor, (913) 980-4289, [email protected] is a senior mass media major with an emphasis in contemporary journalism. He plans to finish his degree requirements this summer.

Edited by Shelby Spradling, Hannah Alleyne, Diana Martinez-Ponce