Third, second and first place were all awarded prizes. The crowd cheers as they bow.
Jax Frederick kicks off the Variety Show by playing his guitar and singing. He performed an original song and won the contest.
Kappa Sigma members Juan Moya and Tared Romo play their musical instruments. They were the only act to have no singing or speaking.
Lauden Barrett and Jayden Redd sang “My Way.” They are members of Sigma Phi Epsilon.
Performing “Dear McCracken,” Bug Hunter takes the stage. He brought emotion and passion to his performance.
Judy Holz wows the crowd by singing “No Time to Die.” “I was pretty nervous, but I was also excited,” Hold said.
Dressed up as boys, Madison, Zoey, Jayden, Elyse and Grace perform a song. Their dancing made the entire crowd laugh.
The crowd is excited when the Ichabods of Honor are announced. Many received a standing ovation.
The 10 Ichabods of Honor stand on stage. They were announced following the Variety Show.
Third, second and first place were all awarded prizes. The crowd cheers as they bow.
Jax Frederick kicks off the Variety Show by playing his guitar and singing. He performed an original song and won the contest.
Washburn University held its Rising Star Variety Show Tuesday, Oct. 29. There were a total of nine acts varying from singing, poetry and musical instruments. Although there was some remarkable and unique talent at the show, there can only be one winner. Winning first place and a $100 Amazon gift card was Jax Frederick, freshman business major. Also, after the show, the top ten nominees for Ichabod of Honor were announced. They are:
- George Burdick, senior political science and philosophy major
- Chelsea Cole, senior psychology major
- Olivia Fieger, senior communications major
- Lauren Frank, senior physics and Spanish major
- Emma Jo Nelson, senior biology major
- Trevor Ottman, junior chemistry and philosophy major
- Diana Ramirez, senior political science major
- Hannah Reynolds, senior social work major
- Taylor Romanchek, senior mass media major
- Mia Terrell, junior criminal justice major