Desiree Cane, a junior psychology major, is the president of the Washburn Black Student Union.
Cain is from Manhattan, Kansas, and grew up in Kansas. She decided to have a fresh start as a student at Washburn in 2021. Now she is trying to figure out what the best path is to be a lawyer.
Cain was in BSU when she was a high school student.
“I’ve actually always wanted to be president of BSU,” Cain said. “BSU is the one place where I feel like I belong. Being in charge or holding events and being able to make the decisions and help people find that space as well, I feel like that’s really important to me.”
Cain was the secretary of BSU last year and helped with recruitment. She says she liked persuading people to come to their meetings.
“I call [BSU] a safe space, but also called a home away from home, … so being around people who understand is really important,” Cain said.
Samarii Berry, a sophomore majoring in addiction counseling, is Cain’s best friend.
“She does so much for BSU and her community and her friends. I mean, she’s just so involved, like extremely involved on campus. She advocates for students, even if they’re not in BSU,” Berry said.
Berry said Cain’s drive is what makes her such a good president.
“She loves BSU with her whole heart and she does as much as she can to support,” Berry said.
Cinai Anderson, a freshman exploratory major, knows Cain well through band.
“I first met [Cain] in a band… while I’m in the band, at one of our rehearsals, she asked me to join BSU and invited me to attend a cookout,” Anderson said.
Anderson also explained Cain’s personality.
“I like how she’s always positive. She always has a lot of energy. If you’re feeling down, she will try and bring you [up]. … [She’s] trying to figure out a way to help you and then still get whatever needs to be done,” Anderson said.
Anderson thinks Cain has an ideal personality for president.
“I think what’s best about her being president is her personality and the way she connects with everybody in BSU. She’s not just the president. She comes in and does the work and sticks around,” Anderson said.
Cain will continue to lead Washburn BSU this semester with much support from her friends who are inspired by Cain’s passion.
Washburn BSU has their meetings at LLC Blair Room at 7-9:30 p.m. every Monday. Here is the link for their BSU facebook.
Edited by Aja Carter and Jeremy Ford