Horoscope charts are a popular tool people use to find insight into the future or reflect on the recent past based on astrological occurrences. Every person is categorized into one of 12 zodiac groups depending on what constellation the Sun passed through on their birthdate.
Those who follow astrology believe zodiac signs can determine the personality of those who fall under its assigned dates.
“I feel like [horoscopes] are definitely something interesting to get people thinking about who and what they are, how they behave or why certain things may or may not happen to them,” said Jay Timmons, a sophomore psychology major.
For some people, astrology is a way to enjoy and learn about different aspects of their personality, while others like Sam Brooks-Reese, a freshman psychology major, use it to make connections and bond with those around them. Brooks-Reese used horoscopes to build a connection with his stepmom.
“My stepmom is very into [astrology], as it ties with other things that she’s into,” said Brooks-Reese, “I have this thing where if someone I care about is interested in something I want to know as much as I can about it, so I can understand when they talk about it.”
There are many social media pages that focus solely on zodiac signs and horoscopes. This is where users are able to learn about the characteristics associated with their specific sign, their compatibility with other signs, as well as their own horoscope predictions.
“[Astrology] isn’t really part of my routine, but if something comes across my Instagram feed and it’s based on each [zodiac] sign I’m like, oh, let me see what mine is. So it’s more like a fun thing for me rather than something that I pay serious attention to,” said Alex Schneider, an applications analyst in the Washburn ITS department.
According to horoscope.com, during the month of November, the signs will be experiencing several changes due to the new moon on the 13 and the full moon on the 27. Changes in the solar, lunar or celestial positioning can cause each sign to feel, act, pursue and think differently than before the astrological movement occurred.
Click through the presentation below to learn more about November horoscopes and comment below your zodiac sign and if you feel like it represents you.
Edited by Larissa Morgan and Sydney Peterson