WU holds the final football tailgate of the season

  • Gracyn Evan, a cheerleader and senior majoring in business finance and marketing, is excited for the last football home game between Washburn University and Pittsburg State University. Washburn cheerleaders, dancers and trumpeters put on their best performance.

  • Mr. Ichabod waves to tailgate attendees. His dance always makes people excited and has lots of energy.

  • Matthew Smoker, president of Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity, enjoys cooking during the festival. Smoker participated in the activities with his SigEp brothers.

  • Despite the cold weather, Washburn cheerleaders and dancers rock the stadium. The performers entertained the tailgate attendees with dances and cheers.

  • The Marching Blues entertains attendees with music. The band was excited to play and brought a joyous atmosphere to the tailgate.

  • Drew Utech, sophomore in business administration, and Dylan Grospitch, junior in sociology, attend the final football tailgate. The pair were excited to enjoy the activities.

  • Tailgate attendees record and cheer as the Marching Blues perform. So many people of any age love Washburn tailgating time. Tailgate in Washburn will always be the best experience ever.

  • Families, staff and students set up their seats awaiting the game. Many enjoyed conversation while they waited.

  • The Washburn Ichabods line up in preparation for the game. The crowd cheered as they rushed down to the field.

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Saturday, Nov. 5, marked the last home game for Washburn University, who were set against Pittsburg State University. Although the weather was cold and wet, the players, performers and audience made the atmosphere hotter than ever because this is the last home game of the year.

Fraternities, sororities, Washburn alumni, sports fans and performers celebrated by cooking and mingling. The parking lots were crowded with people for the pre-games festival. No matter how the game goes, the festival was always vibrant.

Matthew Smoker, president of Washburn Sigma Phi Epsilon and psychology major, introduced some activities he and his fraternity brothers usually do on this occasion. 

“During our tailgates, we always grill food and socialize with friends, family and Washburn SigEp alumni. We occasionally bring games like corn hole to play. This season we have mostly paired up with some of our alumni to help facilitate the tailgate,” Smoker said.

Many foods like salmon, sausages, brats and beef with different flavors were prepared by Smoker to enjoy and share during the tailgate.

“It has been an incredible opportunity to network with alumni and build connections at these tailgates,” Smoker said. “We are extremely thankful to our alums for helping us put this all together and have a great season. We are excited to do it again next year.”

At the beginning of the tailgate, most of the cheerleaders and dancers show their talents with jumps, tumbles and stunts. Performing and getting along with others at the tailgate are the best memories of every single Washburn performer. 

Graycn Evans, a cheerleader and senior majoring in business finance and marketing, expressed her feelings about the tailgate before the last home game. 

“I’m sad football season is already over but it was such an exciting experience. I’m sad I’m a senior and everything is closer to coming to an end,” Evans said. “But I can’t wait to see what basketball season holds for us and the future ahead.”

Although football season is over, basketball season is just around the corner and Washburn continues to provide a great atmosphere for sports fans.

Edited by LeSha’ Davis and Glorianna Noland