On-campus resources to finish the semester strong

  • Study with buddies: Students prepare themselves for mid-term and finals. Students can be seen studying in groups for the exams and helping each other out with questions.

  • Success coaches’ office inside the Mabee Library. Success Coaches help students struggling with stress and provide them the advice that helps them overcome form it.

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One universal struggle that college students face is stress during finals week. Although everyone wants to do well on their finals, there’s a better way to prepare than pounding energy drinks at 2 a.m. in the library.

Students at Washburn have several options when it comes to dealing with stress.

A good place to start is admitting that you’re stressed. The next step is developing a plan. When we fail to plan, we plan to fail. To create a detailed action plan, list everything you need to accomplish by the end of the semester. Then, write out each assignment and its deadline. After you have listed everything, work backwards. Break each assignment into small tasks. For instance, if you need to complete an assignment by the end of the week, give yourself realistic mini-deadlines and hold yourself to them.
Next, plan out where and how long you plan to study. Finally, take a moment to think about possible distractions that could arise. How will you stay on task? How will you handle a distraction and still complete your mini deadlines? What or who will help motivate you to keep pushing when you feel like giving up or settling?

One way to get through this difficult time is to go to the success coaches who are available in the Mabee Library.

“I highly recommend finding a mantra to get through finals week. When it’s the middle of the week, and you’re about to take your third exam, ‘What words are you clinging to?’ ‘What will give you a push to get through the rest of the week?’ ”, said Shanise Brooks, a student success coach. “We are here to help you develop an action plan to motivate you to finish out the semester on a good note. Don’t hesitate to reach out for help. We are here for you.”

Success coaches can help students navigate obstacles like stress and provide a personalized approach to help them deal with pressures of being a college student.

Another great resource is counseling services. The counselors can offer tools to help students deal with mental health and well-being.

Washburn also has a great recreation center. “Exercise is a great way to boost endorphins while burning off some steam. I would suggest that students join a club or organization on campus. WeAreFirst is an excellent organization on campus. Finding a group of friends who can identify with what you’re going through can help ease some of the pressure students put on themselves,” said Yalitza Gomez, a student success coach.

Making time to sleep can improve academic performance. Hydration can help boost your performance, regulate body temperature, and provide oxygen throughout the body. There are a whole host of benefits to drinking water. Make sure to have a water bottle with you when you study.

Don’t procrastinate and wait until the last moment to study. Know that everyone else is in the same shoes as you.

Self-talk is more important than you think.When you put negative thoughts into your head, you have a higher chance of the outcome being negative. So instead of saying, “I am so not ready for this final,” change your thinking to, “I am ready.” Positive self-talk goes a long way.

Edited by: Glorianna Noland, Simran Shrestha