Lecture Series in Economics and Free Enterprise

On Oct 18th at 7:30am Washburn will be featuring Dr. Edward Yardeni during a series of lectures on Economics and Free Enterprise. The event will be held at Bradbury Thompson Alumni Center and will be open to the public. Yardeni is the President of Yardeni Research a company that helps advice and plan financial strategies and predicting stock market and economic trends. He has worked as Chief Investment Strategist of Oak Associates, Prudential Equity Group, and Deutsche Bank’s US equities division in New York City. In addition Yardeni has a great deal of experience predicting the financial markets, both globally and domestically.


If you are a business major, or are thinking about investing or starting your own business, attending these lectures could be greatly useful.  Yet, even if business is not your major, or even something you are interested, financial responsibility is something we could all use more information on. As students our lives are moving so fast just trying to keep work, family, school, and more balanced that it can be difficult to find the time to explore other topics we might find interesting. Attending events with a full schedule is difficult, but something we should all endeavour to seize these opportunities when they appear. Having someone as prestigious as Yardeni come and speak at Washburn, gives us as students a unique opportunity to gain perspective and ideas from someone we might not normally have access too.


    Yardeni Research has a website that helps to break down the individual aspects of the financial jungle. The website brings together several in-the-know individuals, including Yardeni, who give their advice, recommendations, and breakdowns of the vast array of economic fields. The website is fairly user friendly and provides up to date PDF’s on everything from the US economy to briefs on Global Index. The website also has a place for users to create a more personalized report for the things they are interested in as well tools and resources that are constantly updated to help their users in their economic success. In our technological savvy world it is wonderful to have some many tools located in one easy to use website. These resources while useful for anyone who wishes to be more financially aware, and will likely be more appealing to business men and women who are thinking about taking on more financial risk and venture.