Gender Brown Bag on Gender Discrimination
October 16, 2018
The Gender Brown Bag series continued at noon Monday, Oct. 15 in the Lincoln Room of the Memorial Union. Steve Cann presented over of gender discrimination in law.
Steve Cann is a professor of political science at Washburn University. He presented at the brown bag on gender discrimination in the law with information from the 1960s, all the way to more recent cases. He touched on many important topics within the law and how it treats women, people of color and LGBT persons.
He talked about serious cases that seem almost impossible to have happened so recently. He also spoke on sexual harraasment and workplace discrimination.
He showed examples of case files centered around issues such as marriage and divorce, children, abortion, workplace discrimination and sexual harassment. He also showed how each law was developed to be discriminatory and how certain laws have changed or stayed the same. Cann is knowledgeable in the area and was ready and willing to answer questions that could have come up from the presentation.
The event had a small turnout with few actual students making time to come see the informational and entertaining lecture. The topic was relevant and compelling, and the speaker was knowledgeable and engaging. Coordinators of the series are hoping for better turnout at future lectures.
The Gender Brown Bag lecture series is coordinated by Kelly Erby. Erby is a professor in the history department at Washburn who oversees the honors program. She has been doing this series for several years and continues to get amazing guests to come and present.
Students have not yet found this hidden gem. Students can learn about many different subjects related to gender in the world from experts on these subjects by attending these discussions.The series of discussions are completely free to attend, are safe environments and always have a good educational message. If you have any questions about the Gender Brown Bag Lecture series contact Kelly Erby at [email protected].