A fun foam-filled first week

Madison Dean

Bring it in: Washburn hosted its very first “Foam Party” in the East Union Lawn last night.

*Foam Party gallery at bottom of the page*

As the first week of school wraps up and the Weeks of Welcome continue, a crowd of students showed up excited for Washburn University’s first foam party.

Last night from 7-9 p.m., students were on the East Union Lawn, enjoying the sunset and the end of the first week of school. The foam party is exactly what you would picture, a DJ with a bunch of foam bubbles getting sprayed into the air and piling at students’ feet.

Isaiah Collier, the Director of the Office of Student Involvement and Development said that he wanted this to be a great way to engage students as they start their semester.

“I thought it would be a great way to actively engage and welcome back freshmen and also our returning students,” said Collier.

This is not a new idea to the college circuit, but a new idea that captivated students.

“I really wanted to come because I thought that it would be really cool; I saw Pitt State had theirs and I was like ‘oh that’s awesome’ so I figured I’d go to ours,” said Brice Marsh, a freshman planning to be a Physical Therapist Assistant.

Collier also said that he did this event at his previous institution and it was something that students looked forward to, so he decided to bring it to Washburn.

Freshman Lauren Mehnert and her roommates decided that this would be a fun event to attend.

“It’s [the foam party] more than what I expected and is more fun than I thought it would be,” said Mehnert.

This is an event that Collier thinks the University will hold again, maybe not in Welcome Week, but early on in the semester.

Edited by: Madison Dean

  • But first..: Students pose for a picture before indulging in the foamy fun.

  • In all her glory: Kuenhe Bell Tower stands tall as the foam party kicks off.

  • Just getting started: Foam from the stage covers students in all its bubbles.

  • Movin’ and groovin’: Students show off their dance moves in preparation for the foam party.

  • Over here!: Students take a quick break from the fun to pose for a photo.

  • All fun and games: Dancing and loud music filled the lawn last night.

  • Success: Students showcase their Ichabod pride at the successful foam party.

  • Foreshadowing: The calm before the foam storm.

  • Foamy mess: Suds cover students in the front row.

  • Foamy fun: Washburn plans on holding more foam parties in the future.

  • Biggest fan: A supportive pup looks at the fun foam party from afar.

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