Washburn Enrollment

Enrollment for spring and summer courses at Washburn are still open; however, many students do not know where to start when researching courses.

Popular courses such as First-Year Writing, College Algebra, Basic Concepts in Psychology, Introduction to Art and Cultural Anthropology tend to fill up quickly due to the classes being required or introduction courses.

However, there are several interesting courses that many people are not aware of including courses Guitar, Self-Defense I, History of Latin America, Drama Classics on Video and Philosophy of Mind.

The course First-Year Writing 101 teaches incoming freshman basic English concepts. Washburn’s undergraduate catalog claims this course focuses on discovering, drafting, reflecting, revising, and editing. There are 15 total sections with capacity ranging from 12/12 to 19/22 to 5/22. This course is required for Washburn graduation, so many incoming freshman take it in their first semester.

College Algebra 116 is another General Education requirement that many incoming students enroll in. The course consists of equations, graphing, inequalities, logarithmic expressions, applications involving various types of equations and systems of equations. There are 6 sections of College Algebra available for Spring. The availability ranges from 17-19/30 spots. This course fills quickly due to its general education requirement.

Basic Concepts in Psychology 100 is an introduction to basic psychology that focuses on perception, learning, motivation, memory, development, personality, abnormal and social concepts. There are 6 sections offered this Spring and 2 of them are completely full. Other sections have about 30/45 seats filled. This class is a requirement for Psychology majors, but it is also a social science general education course that many choose to take.

Introduction to Art 103 is a course that teaches students ideas of art, with an emphasis on different purposes art has served in both Western and non-Western cultures. There are 3 sections offered this Spring with 2 completely full and 20/25 seats filled in the third section. This course is for non-art majors and many students take this course for their Arts general education requirement.

Cultural Anthropology 112 is another popular course that fills up quickly because of general education requirements. The course focuses on understanding contemporary societies and examines the importance of religion, politics, language, ethnicity, kinship, marriage, gender, and economics in diverse human societies. There are 7 sections for next semester and 2 are filled with about 10 seats open in the remaining sections. This course is a requirement for Anthropology majors and is a humanities elective for other majors.

Guitar 260 is a lesser-known class that teaches students basic guitar skills and is practically a private lesson to improve one’s skills. With only one section for next Spring, there are 4/15 seats filled in the course. Professor Ferguson teaches this course and is spoken of highly. Many performance majors enroll in private lesson courses.

Self-Defense I is a Kinesiology course taught by Ronnie Moore that focuses on practical skills that can be used in acts of defense which is especially important on college campuses. The course is only 1-hour and there are 8/25 people enrolled for next Spring. This class is not required for any major, nor is it a general education course but it is an important and interesting class that many are unaware of.

The course History of Latin America 362 is a course that focuses on the interaction of social, cultural, economic, political, and international factors in the creation of the reality lived by Latin Americans from all socioeconomic backgrounds from the nineteenth century to the present. There is only one section next semester with 8/25 spots filled, and this is an interesting course for History majors to take.

Drama Classics on Video 101 is a course which involves viewing performances and play reading. Students are taught about production styles range from the Greeks to the American Musical Theater. There are three sections available with about 11 out of 32 seats filled. Students could take this course to fill their fine arts general education requirement, but many are unaware of the course.

Lastly, Philosophy of Mind 330 is a course that challenges traditional problems of mind-body, other minds, mental acts, self, persons, perception. The prerequisite for this course consists of just one previous Philosophy course. There is only one section available with 7 out of 20 seats filled. This is an interesting course for Philosophy majors and any other students interested in the course.