Theatre Department to present ‘Last Five Years’ online, Feb. 25-28

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Feb. 25 through Feb. 28, 2021 the Washburn University Theater Department will be performing a two-person musical called, “The Last 5 Years.” Focusing on the emotional life journey of two people, Cathy and Jaime, this production shows their search for a meaningful relationship from their unique perspectives.

Cathy pines for a love she once had, while Jaime searches for love that is yet to develop. This musical shows that love grows and changes over time, just as people do.

“This musical shows the strains of time, distance and careers can put on a relationship,” a quote from the theater department advertising for the production.

Taylor Molt, a senior musical theatre major, is playing the leading woman, Cathy. Molt is also the producer. She said that this story has each character, Cathy and Jamie, starting at opposite ends of the relationship, then coming together to meet at certain spots in the show.

“You can see two different parts of the story while you’re going throughout [the show],” said Molt.

“It’s a very touching show. The actors do an amazing job highlighting the emotional pain that each character is going through in their own timeline,” said Bella Martines-Haskins, the director of the musical and a senior theatre major.

Due to COVID, the performance will be online, attendees can use this link,, to purchase tickets. The website does have an option to donate to the theater department when purchasing tickets.

“It is a prompt to ‘add on’ when you order tickets. So, you have to order the ticket to do it. You can order the ticket (ie WU student, staff) and give a donation if you want. Or, you can add-on to any other ticket price,” said Martinez-Haskins. You can also go to the Washburn theatre website or on Facebook to scan the QR code from the poster.

Some people might wonder how an in-person production can go on, but the team has thought long and hard about how to make it work.

“We have taken every precaution to make sure we are all safe. We have fully masked rehearsal until the 21st when we record,” said Martinez-Haskins.

Molt said that she and actor Joseph Coddington, a junior vocal performance major, live together, which is a reason as to why he was considered for the role of this musical. While living in close proximity to each other, this can limit the exposure of COVID.

“We wear special singing masks, and we take breaks to air out the theater during rehearsal. After every 30 minutes of singing, we take a 15 minute break,” said Molt.

Molt and Martinez-Haskins also shared that the band will pre-record all of the music to limit the number of people in the theater, to keep everyone safe.

Edited by: Matthew L. Self, Savannah Workman