Bods on the Block: Will you get the COVID vaccine when it becomes available?

  • Adam Young, Senior, Political Science “I will 100% take the vaccine. I intern in the Governor’s office and have a lot of family that are older or at risk. I want to be able to keep them safe. I am also ready to get back to normal with in-person classes, concerts, and sporting events!”

  • Isaac Deer, Junior, Mass Media “I will get the vaccine as soon as it’s available. I want to make sure that my loved ones and friends are in a safe environment as well as me.”

  • Emma Morrissey, Junior, Forensic Investigation “I will get the vaccine so I can keep my family and others safe.”

  • Brooke Donaldson, Junior, Mass Media with an emphasis in Public Relations and a minor in Communication. “If the vaccine becomes available to me, I do not think I would get it. Personally, because it has not been approved by the FDA yet, I would not feel comfortable taking it. Once there are more results and healthcare professionals can see how the majority of people are reacting to it, I may be more inclined to receive the vaccine.”

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The question for this Bod on the Block is “Do you think you will get the vaccine if it becomes available?

Edited by: Savannah Workman, Matthew L. Self