Apeiron: Roman principate as a historical concept

Katie Larkin

Throughout Apeiron, there are many events held all over campus, the history speakers also show a particular specialization when it comes to reflecting on how history changes and how humans are currently making history today.

The Roman Principate as a Historical Concept was an interesting event. Chandler Lee Burows, who is a Senior at Washburn University has said “This presentation was a condensed version of my final paper, which was 83 pages long.” Said Burrows.

Throughout his presentation, Burrows told event-goers about the importance of the Roman Principate and why historiography matters. Burrows presentation was focused on how Roman politics, as well as civilization have  influenced American culture.

“Absolute rule has shown through American politics as well,” Burrows said “It has had an impact on American politics too.” Burrows said.

Absolutism has shown through both Roman culture and American culture. Burrows presentation highlights how important politics in both cultures and how and why it impacts them.

Regardless of how one would feel about history, it’s clear that American culture is heavily influenced by the Greeks, as well as how the American political system works.