Off the record…

Editor’s Note: This article was originally published on Friday, October 17, 1958.

Homecoming is over for another year and everyone can sit back now and relax for a time. The end result of the game wasn’t exactly what we had in mind, nevertheless, festivities over the weekend were exhilarating.

Congratulations and a “well done” to all those people who put in so much of their time and hard work to make Homecoming a real success. We understand that over 2,000 cars toured the campus on the candlelight drive Friday evening.

The dance Saturday evening was a roaring success also. This writer arrived at 10 pm to find about 200 persons standing up in want of a table. As one member of the faculty put it – “Who are we giving a party for?” Another commented – “Who in the world are all these people?”

We don’t know how other people feel about having house decorations for Homecoming instead of a parade, but we are of the opinion that this is a new WU tradition that should be continued.

We understand that clothes-pins should have been passed out at the gate last Saturday. We hear that the aroma of limburger chess was a little too strong. Several persons, it is said, were forced to leave the bowl with an upset stomach. We fervently hope that in the future, hobos will confine themselves to costumes only!

One thing we would like to say at this point – now that the big event is over, the head of student council should have time to do something about his campaign promises of last spring. How about it?

Congratulations are also due to members of last year’s KAW staff. We understand that they yearbook won first place in the American Collegiate Press All American Critical Service contest. There were 32 other yearbooks competing in that class. Well done, Edith MacArthur!

Late Bulletin of extreme interest to last year’s bookstore committee: A female member of a certain language class informs us that used books, for sale for $3.00 in our bookstore, were purchased directly from another source by a member of the faculty for the outrageous price of only one dollar! How come?