Dressing to impress: interview wear
September 10, 2011
It was once said clothes make the man, but has anyone ever really stopped wondered how true these words are? In a job interview clothes are just that. Clothes in a job interview, can really make or break the chance at a job.
“Clothes are very important. They create the first impression for the person conducting the interview,” said Ian Mikkelsen, a Washburn student.
It is all in the way you present yourself. College may help you present yourself through qualifications; however it will not always help an individual in the wardrobe department. So here are some helpful tips on the do’s and don’ts for interview dress.
According to “The Complete Idiot’s Guide to the Perfect Job Interview”, there are two important questions when dressing for an interview: “1. Do you have clothing appropriate to the position, industry, company, and department in which you are seeking a job?” and “2. Is this clothing in excellent condition: clean, neat, in impeccable repair, and not obviously ‘dated’?”
With these two questions in mind start looking towards the wardrobe. When getting ready for an interview keep in mind the job the interview is for. An interviewee would not want to show up to an interview with Wall Street in jeans and a polo and expect to be a stock broker. When getting ready for the interview “Job Interviews for Dummies” points out four ways you can learn how to find out the company you are applying for’s dress code:
•”Visit the company’s Web site and search for videos of employees. Check for beards, mustaches and long, loose hair. Notice whether the men are wearing sport jackets or suits, or simply shirts with or without a tie.
•Call the human resources office and ask about the company’s dress code.
•Use your personal network-or an online social network-to find an employee whom you can quiz.
•Loiter near the workplace and observe employees coming and going. Just don’t wear a raincoat, show up in a white van, or watch through binoculars.”
There are many more ways to be aware of the dress codes of different companies. However, if there is not a written dress code, one must go with their gut.
“I’ll wear suit with dress shoes and a tie,” said Nic Campbell, a Washburn student. “You want something that looks professional and doesn’t stand out.”
While this is a good base to start with later in “The Complete Idiot’s Guide to the Perfect Job Interview”, the authors point out to “be aware that dark colors suggest authority, and that dark blue conveys the greatest degree of authority.” Now, this is great to know when picking out suits and spot jackets, nevertheless when it comes to the ladies, “The Complete Idiot’s Guide to the Perfect Job Interview” points out, “A close-toe pump with a 1-inch heel is the safe choice for an interview….choose shoes that complement your suit and accessories.”
Take this information into advisement but always try to pick what is best for the job.
Even Dr. Suess once said, “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You’re on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who’ll decide where to go…”