WU professors receive C-TEL dedication awards

Matthew L. Self, Review Editor in Chief

Earlier this month, Washburn University had several faculty members receive the C-TEL Dedication to Teaching Excellence Award for earning the C-TEL Certificate five years in a row.

Award recipients include Jericho Hockett in Psychology, Beth McNamee in Mathematics & Statistics, Kara Kendall-Morwick in English and Tracy Routsong in Communication Studies.

The Center for Teaching Excellence and Learning promotes innovation and excellence in teaching with the purpose of enhancing student learning at Washburn University and Washburn Tech.

C-TEL offers workshops, courses and events to help teachers improve teaching skills. Instructors learn cutting-edge techniques that will improve classroom structures.

“C-TEL offers many different things for teachers to take part in,” said Kendall-Morwick. “One-time workshops where you learn about a specific topic such as making your classes more accessible to a wider range of learners, helping students access mental-health resources and learning to give better feedback on papers.”

C-TEL courses are open and available to all members of Washburn’s faculty. The Washburn University C-TEL webpage shows a list of participating instructors and upcoming events.

“I’ve been passionate about teaching since my undergraduate years,” said Hockett. “Passion is not enough to produce excellence, however. The professional classes offered by C-TEL are helpful and allow me to stay in touch with student’s evolving needs.”

Chances are you have participated in classroom activities and projects inspired by C-TEL workshops.

“My favorite event sponsored by C-TEL is the Teaching Slam in September,” said Routsong. “It showcases innovative things that teachers are doing here at the university. It’s fast paced and fun. It’s a great way to get information from colleagues.”

Upcoming C-TEL events are the Online Winter Adjunct Institute that begins Dec. 18, the Quality Online Course Initiative event that begins Jan. 1 and the Adjunct Connection Meet Up Jan. 30.

“Earning the certificate every year is a lot of effort. It’s perseverance,” said McNamee. “Putting time into it, going to conferences and meeting new people are all part of it. Open discussion with other professors has helped me become a better instructor.”

If you’re curious about what courses C-TEL has to offer, which courses your own teachers have taken, or just want general information about the program, visit washburn.edu/ctel.

Edited by Adam White, Jason Morrison, Wesley Tabor