Letter From the Editor

Abbie Barth, Copy Editor and Freelance Reporter

Welcome back, Ichabods.

For many of you, this may be the first time you have picked up your issue of the Washburn Review and we hope that it won’t be your last.

This is your paper. As a member of the Washburn community, the paper exists to serve you. This sentiment is echoed in our motto, “news that matters to WU.”

Student Media exists to provide the campus community with the information they want and need to make informed decisions about how to improve their communities. 

This is the statement I keep in mind as I watch the public’s relationship with media change over time.

Despite the ever changing nature of communication, the Review’s role in serving the campus remains constant. 

With a fierce dedication to the truth, we are committed to being a fair and objective source of information for the Washburn campus community.

As many loyal Review readers will notice, our paper has undergone some major transformations over the summer, as has our team. We enter this school year with many new staff members, a colorful redesign and a renewed sense of purpose to provide the highest level of journalistic excellence to our readers.

Aside from the seriousness of our job, we also like to have some fun with what we put in the paper. You will notice the Review has maintained its three primary sections: news, features and sports, but has some new features as well. 

With a goal of featuring a larger portion of our student body, there will be more photo galleries, more Bod on the Blocks and a thorough scope of what we cover. 

We will be featuring staff and faculty as well and highlighting events not only on campus, but in the community.

As this paper serves its students, it is important that an open line of communication exists between us. 

The Washburn Student Media Office is located in the Union Underground and is almost always staffed by at least one person.

We have staff that sell ads for businesses and even student organizations. We have a multimedia team that does videos, photography and podcasts that are broadcasted on iTunes. We have an excellent design team that work to create clever graphics and polished page layouts. We also have a team of hardworking reporters.

You will likely see some of our photographers and reporters around campus. They may ask you to answer a few questions, and you could be featured in the paper or online. 

Our goal is to accurately reflect the interests and ideals of our campus community in the content we post.

Remember to grab your copy of the Washburn Review on Wednesdays and check washburnreview.org for new content throughout the week. Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter to get the news that matters to WU.