Murder Mystery Dinner in Washburn University

There were three scenes about the murder story. And the staff from the Murder Mystery Company acted them out separately during the dinner. Participators had to ask questions and guess who the killer was after each scene.

Qiujie Li & Mairui Li

Washburn held a Murder Mystery dinner at 6:30 p.m. March 6 in Washburn Room A. The staff from the Murder Mystery Company acted a play about a murder story and included interactions from Washburn students. Many Washburn students attended this free dinner and took part in the mystery.
The story was about a murder that took place during a night of glamour and glitz at the Billionaire’s Annual Masquerade Ball and every one who is anyone was there, decked out in the finest of their finery. Their faces were hidden behind fancy facades when someone dropped dead on the dance floor. After the story was set, it was time to find the murderer and finish the story by participators.
There were three scenes about the murder story. And the staff from the Murder Mystery Company acted them out separately during the dinner. Participators had to ask questions and guess who the killer was after each scene.
Kent Van De Mark, a sophomore laboratory science major, was awarded the best actor of the activity; he also was the “killer” for the activity. When Mark came into the room, the company staff came to his table and asked who wants to be the volunteer to have a role in the play.
“I didn’t know I was the killer until the staff of the company announced the results,” said Mark, “My role’s name was Mr. Bater and he was the true killer of the mystery dinner. It was so exciting and fun to join this activity and I love it.”
There were about 10 tables in the room, each was a different team for the activity. The volunteers of each table asked questions to find the killer. No one knew who the killer was during the game even the killer himself. Students bribed suspects, gathered clues and finally unmasked the murderer before the evening ended.
“I knew about this event because I saw the flyer when I passed the Union,” said Jami Dutch Oden, marketing major. “Our group didn’t find the right killer, but it was very fun and very exciting.”
For more information about the Murder Mystery Company visit their Facebook at