WU announcement September 23
September 23, 2014
Tip of the week: Did you know your iCard can also be a US Bank ATM card? A US Bank ATM will be delivered to the Memorial Union on Thursday. It will be located across from the Ichabod Service Center. If you would like the banking feature added to your card, visit the Ichabod Service Center anytime during business hours. You will need a US Bank account to utilize this feature.
Want to know what’s going on this week?
Check out the university calendar! You can share events you choose to an Outlook or Google calendar so you never miss a thing.
Wednesday, Sept. 24
*Get your tickets for iREAD: Washburn’s annual iRead lecture is tomorrow. The event, featuring noted political commentator and author Juan Williams, is free and open to the public. Tickets are available now at Mabee Library and the Topeka/Shawnee County Public Library. (This event is mandatory for WU101 students.) Remember, an * in Bod Talk means the event is WU 101 Passport approved.
*This is the final week to check out Spirit of the Walk and Old Walks and New at Mulvane Art Museum. The Alumni Exhibition remains until Oct. 19.
*Don’t miss Yoga on the Lawn.
Thursday, Sept. 25 – iREAD NIGHT
*Learn over lunch with the latest Gender Brown Bag on War, Migration and the costs to women and girls.
The Washburn chapter of To Write Love on Her Arms meets at 5 p.m. in the Vogel Room of the Memorial Union. Christian Challenge meets tonight, too.
*Hear award winning author and commentator Juan Williams discuss his book, Eyes on the Prize, in the 2014 iRead Lecture. Williams will be signing books after his presentation. Remember this is an FYE Passport required event.
Friday, Sept. 26
*Don’t head home for Fall Break until after you cheer on your Icahbods. Both the soccer and volleyball teams host Lindenwood University tonight.
Saturday, Sept. 27
The *Mulvane and its ArtLab are open today and *Ichabods volleyball hosts Central Missouri.
Ichabod football is on the road this week. Plan ahead: Get your tickets today for the Ichabod football game at Arrowhead Stadium on Nov. 15.
Sunday, Sept. 28
*Care about the future of Topeka? Don’t miss your chance to discuss the future of community by attending Bridging the Gap: Tragedy, Dialogue & Community in Modern America.
Enjoy Fall Break, students!
Washburn University remains open, but classes are not in session Monday, Sept. 29 and Tuesday, Sept. 30. No events are planned for Monday.
Tuesday, Sept. 30
Hundreds of seventh-grade girls will converge on Washburn University’s campus for Women in Science Day and Student Health sponsors a Flu Shot Clinic at Washburn Tech.
Do you have an event we don’t know about? Get it on the calendar today.
Connect with us!
Bod Talk typically is sent weekly to all students, faculty and staff at Washburn University. Check out the Bod Talk on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Google+ and stay current on campus. #GoBods!
Got suggestions or an event you would like to see on the next Bod Talk? If it relates to a campus organization or other university business, submit your event and let us know. Have a great week!