Better ways to carve pumpkins by using simple guidelines

  • Better ways to carve pumpkins by using simple guidelines


The fall season not only brings cooler weather, but many traditions and festivities as well. Halloween has everyone anxiously awaiting candy and costumes and the cold weather brings around a craving for apple cider and pumpkin pie.

However, the fall season isn’t complete without the act of carving a pumpkin in time for Halloween.

What first began as simple jack-o-lanterns now have turned into many different, elaborate pumpkin-carving designs. People are getting more creative with their carving and websites, such as Pinterest, showcase the many different and eccentric possible pumpkin carving designs.

For example, right before Halloween last year, I decided to carve a Hello Kitty design into my pumpkin. It’s definitely fun to change up the normal pumpkin carving routine and try something more difficult.

For those of you who possibly haven’t carved a pumpkin before, it’s time to get on the bandwagon and enjoy this fall activity.

So, how do you carve a pumpkin? For the traditional jack-o-lantern style pumpkin, it’s a pretty easy process.

1) Get a pumpkin and the necessary pumpkin carving tools (knife, large scraper spoon). Places such as Target and Walmart carry pumpkin carving kits that include many different tools you can use to carve out a design on your pumpkin.

2) Cut out a hole in the pumpkin; if you’re going to use a candle inside then cut out a circle around the stem of the pumpkin. If you’re going to be placing some kind of electric light with a cord inside the pumpkin, then it would probably be best to cut a hole out of the bottom to allow for the cord not to be seen.

3) Using a large spoon or ice cream scoop, scoop out the inside flesh of the pumpkin. If you’re creative, then feel free to cook the pumpkin seeds; toasted pumpkin seeds are delicious.

4) Draw and carve out your design. It’s easy to go with the traditional jack-o-lantern design, but for a more unique pumpkin, try searching online for pumpkin stencils and transfer those designs onto your pumpkin. A good website to check out is

5) Add a candle or electric light inside your pumpkin and display it for the world to see your wonderful pumpkin design.

The pumpkin adventure doesn’t have to end with carving out a pumpkin, fall is the one time of year when pumpkin-flavored anything is acceptable.

Try drinking a pumpkin-flavored coffee creamer or try your hand at making pumpkin bread or pumpkin cookies. I, personally, think that pumpkin is a fall staple and I’m going to get creative when I carve my annual pumpkin and I challenge you to do the same.