Clarification: important W-2 tax info for all employees
January 16, 2015
There seems to be some confusion over the previous announcement relating to electronic W-2 forms. Several people have interpreted “electronic W-2” to mean an exact electronic copy of the W-2 that would have been printed on paper for you.
This is not correct. Electing to receive an electronic W-2 means you will not receive a paper copy, and an electronic copy is available via MyWashburn for you to view. See for more information.
You should elect an electronic copy of your W-2 only if you intend to file your federal tax return electronically.
If you intend to file a paper tax return with the IRS, you should NOT elect an electronic copy of your W-2. The W-2 you can print from MyWashburn is not suitable for filing with your paper federal tax return.
If you have already elected to receive an electronic copy of your W-2, but you intend to file a paper tax return with the IRS, contact Chris Leach ( immediately to revoke your election.