WU Announcement — Malicious Email Alert

A campus-wide email announcement from IT Security Officer Kevin Halgren warns Washburn students, staff and faculty about a “well-constructed malicious e-mail” that was sent last night.

The email requests users to log in to their MyWashburn account to perform a database update. Halgren warns that this email was not sent by Washburn and is designed to capture user’s MyWashburn username and password for malicious purposes.

Halgren states that, although the specific intent of this particular email has not been determined, other universities have seen similar situations where phished credentials have been used to change direct deposit information and steal direct-deposit funds.

Details about the latest phishing email can be found at http://blog.washburn.edu/technology/2015/03/17/852/

If you did receive this e-mail and enter your username and password on the linked web page, please contact support@washburn.edu so we can take action to protect your account.