HALO holds Hispanic heritage month events

Dylan McManis

From September 16 to October 16, the Hispanic American Leadership Organization will be hosting several events in celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month. These events include bingo, arts and crafts, burritos and soccer, as well as having a table in the Memorial Union as often as possible.

The first of these events will be on Wednesday, Sept. 16, and will be a Mexican bingo event, otherwise known as Lotería, in the Blair room at 6:30 p.m.

The second event on Sept. 23 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. is known as Keep Calm and Maraca On. It will be a crafts event where students will get to build their own maracas in the Union across from the Corner Store.

Build Your Own Burrito will be held on Sept. 30 at 5:30 p.m. in the Blair room. The final event to celebrate the month will be on Oct. 16 at 3 p.m. and is called the HALO WU-RLD Cup, a soccer tournament. The location for the WU-RLD Cup has yet to be decided, as approval for the use of Yager Stadium for the event is still pending.

Maureen Magana-Rodriguez, the president of the student organization, said that she “[Runs the group] as a social club that spreads Hispanic culture and does volunteer work within the community.”

“Last year, we started with Scott Magnet Dual-Language School, we started helping out the after school program for the English as a second language classes,” said Magana-Rodriguez.

Magana-Rodriguez also wanted students to know that on Sept. 17 a Mariachi band from San Antonio will be playing at Scorch on the Porch outside the Union.