March to 1,000 New Voters kicks off voter registration campaign

  • Civic Engagement: Taylor Miller, sophomore mass media major, and Ryan Burge, senior mass media major, check out the voter registration table sponsored by Students for Civic Engagement. 

Students for Civic Engagement is hosting a voter registration table Monday – Thursday, 11a.m. – 1p.m., until Oct. 14 in the Memorial Union as part of the March to 1,000 New Voters campaign.

The campaign intends to register 1,000 new voters in northeast Kansas in anticipation of Congressman John Lewis of Georgia, author of the two volume history “March” and this year’s iRead lecturer. Lewis was a key member of the Civil Rights movement, marching alongside Martin Luther King Jr.

“Upon reaching that goal we will be able to proudly present Congressman John Lewis with our accomplishment,” said Natasha Martinez, political science major, at the campaign’s kick-off event Sept. 22, “Acknowledging those rights he fought for so tirelessly, we’re reminded to think ‘Yes, voting is still valued as a right and [the] responsibility it was intended to be.’”

Martinez noted that no matter what profession one has, every individual has the right to be an informed citizen.

“Fulfill your civic duty as an American citizen by getting registered to vote,” Martinez said.

Bailey Keeny, sophomore political science and economics major, believes that by making voter registration more accessible on campus, more students will be encouraged to register and participate.

“As the saying goes, there’s strength in numbers,” Keeny said. “I think it’s important to get other millennials like ourselves to use our strength to make our voices heard.”

Students who visit the voter registration table will be guided through the process. A form of citizenship (such as a birth certificate or passport) and identification (such as a driver’s licence) is needed to complete the form.

The table can also provide information about registering by mail-in form or online at

Mark Peterson, political science department chair, reminded at the event’s kick-off that voting is not a right, but a privilege that Americans have as citizens.

“I think it’s important to know that this is an opportunity for you students to say ‘Yes! We want to be engaged in this process. We have something to say,’” Peterson said. “The way in which we do it, is by voting for our representation.”