WUFest encourages student involvement

Natalie Engler

Washburn University kicked off WUFest 5:30 to 8 p.m. on the Union Lawn with inflatable bouncy houses, food and ice-cream while inviting freshman to meet and greet student organizations. WUFest also offered students chances to ride a mechanical bull, play human bowling and eat ballpark food while socializing.

Students returning to Washburn this fall noticed an increase in attendance perhaps due to the new residence hall Lincoln Hall. Between 30 to 40 student organizations were present to advertise future events and recruit new members.

Sororities and fraternities like Alpha Phi, Zeta Tau Alpha and Kappa Sigma displayed pride in their sisterhood and brotherhood. They encourage students to sign up for recruitment occurring Sept. 8 to 11 and enjoy an assortment of activities.

Student organizations like the Honors Program, Christian Challenge and HALO offered informational pamphlets, newsletters and prizes.

Grant Waters, president of the Honors Program and senior finance and marketing major, explained the importance and requirements of the activities the Honors Program participates in.

“We really try to highlight high level learning like offering different courses and contracting out,” said Waters. “We also have other benefits like the Honors lounge for students to study.”

New student organizations like Students with Children were able to get the word out and share information about future activities. The organization helps parenting students connect on campus and succeed in both life and school. If interested, please contact Marissa Coyle at marissa.coyle@washburn.edu.

Students like Kwanequa Jones, junior social work major and Ali Longstreet, senior social work major, strive for diversity through their student organization the Washburn Black Student Union.

“Our main goal is to reach to more people and make it diverse,” said Jones. “Anyone is welcome to join.”

Growing organizations like Collegiate Entrepreneur Organization encourage students to generate ideas and talk about different things in the business world. Christiana Forman, president of C.E.O. explained that she has had many opportunities with the organization.

“We get to attend the C.E.O. conference in October,” said Forman. “And sometimes we have a spring trip.”

If interested in forming a new organization, contact Student Activities and Greek Life to obtain information on the rules and regulations at getalife@washburn.edu.