Playfair provides students excercise, chance to interact

Lisa Herdman

Over 200 students participated in the Playfair, an annual interactive games night for new and returning students as a part of Welcome Week, hosted from 6 to 7:30 p.m. August 18 at the Washburn Recreation and Wellness Center.

The first day of Welcome Week for Washburn provided students with an assortment of team games and ice breakers activities to both become more familiar with their campus and to meet their new peers. The Recreation Center started the week off with both the Playfair and Rock the Rec, two interactive back-to-back events that encouraged students to get up, move and participate with each other. 

McKinlaye Harkavy, director of New Student Orientation and the coordinator for Welcome Week, was proud to say the two events were been highly successful, pulling in an estimated 200 students this year.

“I think that students meeting new people and learning things about each other is important,” Harkavy said. “We expect a large turnout each year from Playfair. It is our first year with David Jacobs, and the students seem to be enjoying him.”

Playfair is a company that boasts the interactive and team building activities it brings to college campuses and the workplace. Playfair has been employed by Washburn for the past five years for Welcome Week, each year drawing in at least 150 students.

The Playfair started off with a welcome to new students, encouraging them to pair up with groups of people they hadn’t met before. A series of activities had students on their feet and getting to know each other.

Students moved around the gymnasium in groups, sorting themselves groups based on their majors, birthday months and where they were from.

One particularly popular activity was an intense rock-paper-scissors tournament. The final round ended with two students facing off against one another and the winner and runner up both being being carried off on their teams’ shoulders.

Marya Feldt, senior vocal performance major and a student worker at the Recreational Center, said she had never seen the event before, but was impressed.

“It is so exciting to see how many people get involved,” Feldt said. “I wish I would have attended this event as a freshman, seeing how many people I could have met.”

Welcome Week runs from August 18 through 23, including activities like Casino Night, The Perfect Party, Scorch on the Porch and Traditions Night. Personalized campus tours and chances to volunteer are also available.

“We want to encourage students to try new things,” said Harkavy. “Be excited to be at Washburn!”

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