Washburn Student Government Association is announcing $15,000 of university funds approved by the Washburn Board of Regents to renovate and develop study spaces in Petro Allied Health Center. These changes come as students with classes based in Petro report issues having adequate places to study.
Student Body President George Burdick spoke with the Washburn Kinesiology Club early last fall to discuss campus issues. One issue that arose repeatedly was the lack of quality study spaces in Petro, causing students to leave campus to charge computers, study and do homework.
President Burdick and several members of the Kinesiology Club took a walk around Petro to identify specific concerns and issues, which were then given to Vice President of Student Life Eric Grospitch. A capital improvement request was then put forward to the Washburn Board of Regents, which approved the request March 13.
A small working group will be formed to work over the next few months on specific ways to use these funds to improve Petro for the students.
“These study spaces will give students in the Kinesiology Department and Nursing program the opportunity to utilize Petro to study and prepare for coursework and exams,” said MacKobe Merwin, president of the Kinesiology Club. “The students will no longer have to go to the study spaces provided in the other buildings across campus to prepare for their classes in Petro.”
Burdick and WSGA are excited for the addition to Petro.
“We’re pleased to announce this upcoming change now that funding has been secured.” President Burdick said. “These changes will have a real and meaningful impact on the students who primarily use Petro and enhance their ability to study and succeed academically. We appreciate the help the students of the Kinesiology Club provided in this project as well as the support of the Office of Student Life.”
Students with further questions should reach out to WSGA President George Burdick at wsga.president@washburn.edu.
Edited by Jeremy Ford.