The Psychology Club had a meeting Friday, Oct.13, from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. in Henderson 204. More than 10 people attended the meeting. The meetings happen in the second week of every month.
Grace Loya, senior psychology and philosophy major, is the president of the club who started the meeting. She went through the club meeting’s agenda, which mainly focused on coming up with T-shirt designs for the club and upcoming events from the Psychology Club.
“We got three designs for the T-shirts to select from,” Loya said. “We are keeping our budget up to $20 for anyone who is interested in purchasing it.”
The members celebrated their success at the bake sale, which made $389.25. The club also applied for a Psi Chi Grant, which could help fund students to present research at Master’s of Public Administration (MPA). There is an ongoing communication with WSGA for funding of the T-shirts.
The other half of the meeting was entertained by bringing a third year grad student who is also a graduate teaching assistant — Wednesday Falck. She shared her experience on grad school and how to apply for it with the club members. They had a candid conversation with the students and psychology professor, Tucker Jones, who is also an advisor for the psychology major.
Falck delved on how her unique experience led to an interesting time in grad school. She went through the application process and left marks on what to do and not to do.
“My dad used to say there are two types of applications — there is either a perfect application or a bad application with an interesting story,” said Falck.
Carter Johnston, freshman psychology major, shared her experience in the club as well.
“I helped in volunteering for the bake sale,” Johnston said. “So far, I like it here.”
The Psychology Club is planning to host the Psi Chi Informational, which is set to happen in the first week of November, where they discuss Psi Chi membership, benefits and steps on how to apply. They are also planning on Destress Night in the last week of Nov., where they make stress balls and discuss anxiousness and coping.
To learn more about the Psychology Club, click here. Students may also contact Grace Loya for any further questions or concerns through her email: grace.loya@washburn.edu .
Edited by Jeremy Ford and Jayme Thompson