On Thursday Sept.14, the Washburn Filmmakers Association gathered for its first weekly meeting of the year in the Henderson Learning Center. A total of 11 students were in attendance, which included four new members.
“The ultimate goal of WFA is to get people that love movies and want to make movies together to network,” said Jessica Seidel, senior mass media major and former president.
The organization is open to all Washburn students even though most members are mass media majors with a film and video concentration.
During the weekly meetings, the group covers topics including casting calls for personal film projects, planning film watch parties and organizing guest speaker appearances.
This week’s meeting specifically touched on the group’s plan to be involved in Washburn’s Homecoming festivities, including nominating Ciera Haner, senior mass media major, for Ichabod of Honor, watching finished productions of student films, movie trivia with a prize for the winner and also discussing the recruitment of new members by improving publicity of the organization on the group’s social media pages.
“I’m definitely going to try to post more and post more than just posting graphics because I know sometimes we post videos, not very often, but I’d like to start doing that more,” said Morgan Edgett, senior mass media major and social media chair.
The main highlight of WFA for students is the willingness of members to help their peers bring their projects to completion.
“’I’m a huge movie buff. I’m super creative and I have a lot of different things that I can bring to film that haven’t really been touched on or done before,” said Seam Hubbard, sophomore mass media major.
Hubbard also stated he loves the overall collaboration of the group and that everyone has the willingness to work together instead of trying to overcome each other with new ideas.
The next WFA meeting will be at 5 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 28 in Henderson 100 and the group will hopefully welcome even more new faces to the team.
Edited by Larissa Morgan and LeSha’ Davis