Bods on the Block: What is the most helpful thing that you’ve seen a SOC do?

  • McKenna Ward, Junior, Psychology

  • Alex Bird, Senior, English major

  • Jalun Washington, Freshman, General education studies

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William Vanbuskirk, Junior, Psychology

I thought SOC was very engaging. They had actual peers and helped me during my school years. They helped me pick out classes, show me around the campus. They also got me in touch with other people who I could share interest with.

McKenna Ward, Junior, Psychology

SOC was helpful and really fun, getting the freshmen excited for the school year. They are people that you feel comfortable to talk to, if you want to talk to faculties for some reasons. We played games on the day of orientation. They did a little drama and we all stood up.

Alex Bird, Senior, English

SOC helped students make connection with each other and with themselves on the first day students come to campus. Everybody got chances to talk with other people.

Jalun Washington, Freshman, General education studies

SOC helped me to find a club to get in. I am involved in it well. I am in debate club. I like to debate a lot, but I never really got a chance. They had a list of clubs laying out there. When I