Bods on the Block: “How important do you think WSGA elections are?”

  • Paeton McCarty Sophomore majoring in Political Science “Well you know it’s certainly a good thing; certainly can be important symbolically. However, I would say in terms of actual power, they’re fairly limited.”

  • Lauryn Massey Sophomore majoring in Mass Media “I think it is really important because the people who represent us are the voice of us and they all have different visions on what they want to do with campus, so it’s important that we choose people who have similar views with our beliefs on what should happen on campus.”

  • Analisa Chavez-Munoz Junior majoring in Public Education “I think they are important because these are the people who are making the decisions for us on campus; the decisions impact student life directly.”

  • Bryan Van Genderen Sophomore majoring in Spanish “I do think they are important to be held [WSGA elections] because it helps create a voice for the whole community of all of the students.”

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