Established 1885

graphic by Ellie Walker

WSGA candidates share visions for office

Editor’s Note: By Matthew L. Self, Editor-in-Chief of the Washburn Review

There are few ways that we as students can express ourselves on campus with greater weight than by casting a vote in the WSGA elections. By voting for a ticket this March, we can put our voices to work by deciding who will be representing us for the next year and, during these times, it is incredibly important that we choose those who will best bring our concerns to the administration.

This year, I wanted to give a spotlight to WSGA as I have come to realize just how critical their role has been in helping address student issues during the pandemic and beyond. They are here to represent us much in the same capacity that our state representatives and senators bring Kansas needs to the fore in the nation’s capital. 

However, WSGA is not a one-sided affair and must have student input to function. Below you will find features on the four executive candidates up for election this year as well as a piece on the outgoing administration. Student Media hopes that these articles will inspire you to take seriously the upcoming election and think critically over who you decide to nominate for the next student body president and vice-president.

The importance of voting in campus elections
WSGA presidential candidates debate policy
Abby Trautman addresses student concerns in presidential bid
Harrison Dollar seeks change on campus
Dylan Babcock seeks vice presidential role on campus
Sierra Jeter stands up for student needs
Current WSGA president Victoria Smith reflects on past year

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